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21. Completion

To load this package, add the following to your initialization file:

  (require 'completion)

After you type a few characters, pressing the "complete" key inserts the rest of the word you are likely to type.

This watches all the words that you type and remembers them. When typing a new word, pressing "complete" (C-return) "completes" the word by inserting the most recently used word that begins with the same characters. If you press meta-return repeatedly, it cycles through all the words it knows about.

If you like the completion then just continue typing, it is as if you entered the text by hand. If you want the inserted extra characters to go away, type C-w or delete. More options are described below.

The guesses are made in the order of the most recently "used". Typing in a word and then typing a separator character (such as a space) "uses" the word. So does moving a cursor over the word. If no words are found, it uses an extended version of dynamic abbreviation See section 22. Dynamic Abbreviations.

Completions are automatically saved to a file between sessions.

Completion enables programmers to enter longer, more descriptive variable names while typing fewer keystrokes than they normally would.

To configure this package, type:

  M-x customize-group RET completion RET

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