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A. Glossary

In semantic 1.4, a BNF file represented "Bovine Normal Form", the grammar file used for the 1.4 parser generator. This was a play on Backus-Naur Form which proved too confusing.

A verb representing what happens when a bovine parser parsers a file.

@anchor{bovine lambda}
In a bovine, or LL parser, the bovine lambda is a function to execute when a specific set of match rules has succeeded in matches text from the buffer.

@anchor{bovine parser}
A parser using the bovine parser generator. It is an LL parser suitible for small simple languages.



A program which converts text into a stream of tokens by analyzing them lexially. Lexers will commonly create strings, symbols, keywords and punctuation, and strip whitespace and comments.



Some functions are defined via define-overload. These can be overloaded via ....

A program that converts tokens to tags.

A tag is a representation of some entity in a language file, such as a functin, variable, or include statement. In semantic, the word tag is used the same way it is used for the etags or ctags tools.

A single atomic item returned from a lexer. It represents some set of characters found in a buffer.

@anchor{token stream}
The output of the lexer as well as the input to the parser.

@anchor{wisent parser}
A parser using the wisent parser generator. It is a port of bison to Emacs Lisp. It is an LALR parser suitable for complex languages.

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