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2. Obtaining ERC

2.1 Releases  Released versions of ERC.
2.2 Development  Latest unreleased development changes.

These sections may be skipped if you are using the version of ERC that comes with Emacs.

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2.1 Releases

Choose to install a release if you want to minimize risk.

Errors are corrected in development first. User-visible changes will be announced on the erc-help@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list. see section 8. Getting Help and Reporting Bugs.

Debian users can get ERC via apt-get. The `erc' package is available in the official Debian repository.

Alternatively, you can download the latest release from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=30118.

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2.2 Development

Choose the development version if you want to live on the bleeding edge of ERC development or try out new features before release.

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2.2.1 Using CVS

ERC is primarily developed using a CVS repository on sourceforge.net. To check out a copy of the latest changes, do the following.

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/erc login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/erc co -P erc

Alternatively, the latest CVS snapshot may be downloaded in the following forms.

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2.2.2 Using the GNU Arch Revision Control System

The Arch revision control system allows you to retrieve previous versions and select specific features and bug fixes.

Michael Olson maintains an official Arch branch for ERC which stays current with the CVS repository for ERC. If you would like to contribute to ERC development, and would prefer to use a modern Revision Control System, feel free to make your own branch.

If you are new to Arch, you might find this tutorial helpful: http://www.mwolson.org/projects/ArchTutorial.html.

Downloading ERC with Arch and staying up-to-date involves the following steps.

  1. Install arch

  2. Register the archive.
    tla register-archive -f http://www.mwolson.org/archives/2006

  3. Download the ERC source code.
    # Download ERC into the `erc' directory.
    tla get mwolson@gnu.org--2006/erc--cvs--0 erc

  4. List upstream changes that are missing from your local copy. Do this whenever you want to see whether new changes have been committed to ERC.

    # Change to the source directory you are interested in.
    cd erc/
    # Display the summary of changes
    tla missing --summary

  5. Update to the latest version by replaying missing changes.
    cd erc
    tla replay

There are other ways to interact with the ERC archive.

The latest development snapshot will be kept up-to-date since it is updated at the same time as the Arch repository.

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